PNWOF Day 7: GrizO Lubrecht NRE Long Distance
Sat, Jun 29
Day 7 of the Pacific Northwest Orienteering Festival. This Long Distance NRE is hosted by Grizzly Orienteering at Lubrecht Experimental Forest.

Time & Location
Jun 29, 2024, 10:00 AM MDT
Greenough, 38689 MT-200, Greenough, MT 59823, USA
About the Event
This is Day 7 of the Pacific Northwest Orienteering Festival. Day 7 is hosted by Grizzly Orienteering at Lubrecht Experimental Forest.
This will be a Long Distance National Ranking Event.
Mapper: Gregory Balter, John Brady
Course Setter: Chris Caldwell
Full map and course details are available here.
Lubrecht Experimental Forest is a 21,432 acre forest located 30 miles NE of Missoula in the Blackfoot River drainage. The area is almost entirely forested, largely by coniferous forest with medium to very good runnability. Parts of the map feature intricate contour details, including negative relief, while other parts feature slopes up to 50m. There is a well-developed trail network. Previous maps can be found here.
The planned schedule for the entire festival is as follows:
June 22 - COC / Fisk NRE / dinner
June 23 - COC / Fisk NRE
June 24 - EWOC / Riverside State Park
June 25 - EWOC / Holmberg Conservation Area
June 26 - off
June 27 - GrizO / Larry Creek NRE / Starts between 1-3pm / Classic distance
June 28 - GrizO / Soft Rock NRE / Starts between 11am-1pm / Middle distance
June 29 - GrizO / Lubrecht NRE / Starts between 10am-1pm / Long distance / dinner
June 30 - GrizO / U of M NRE / Starts between 9am-11am / Sprint distance