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About Grizzly Orienteering

Grizzly Orienteering was started in September 2020 by Allison Brown, a Missoula native, and her husband Boris Granovskiy, a former member of the U.S. Orienteering Team.


Having experienced orienteering events across the U.S. and around the world, Allison and Boris want to bring their favorite sport to Missoula. Western Montana's spectacular nature and Montanans' love of the outdoors make Missoula a perfect place for orienteering to thrive.

How to Orienteer 

Orienteering is the sport of navigating with map and compass. Anyone can orienteer! The object is to find a series of points shown on a map, choosing routes — both on and off trail — that will help you find all the points and get back to the finish in the shortest amount of time.


The points on the course are marked with orange and white flags typically accompanied by electronic or mechanical punches, which provide proof that the point was visited. Each “control” marker is located on a distinct feature, such as a stream junction or the top of a hill. 


There is a network of orienteering clubs and organizations all around the world! If you would like to explore the world of orienteering or learn some tricks and tips, click the button below. 



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