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May 19, 2024

May 18, 2024

Pattee Canyon Beginner Event

I am not sure we've ever had more perfect weather for a GrizO event. On the loveliest of spring days, with wildflowers approaching peak bloom, we had a great, free Beginner-friendly event at Pattee Canyon.


In addition to the usual beginner instruction that is available at all our events, we had a team of volunteers walk first-timers through a mini-orienteering course to provide some real hands-on instruction and break down barriers to participation in our sport. This proved to be aa very popular approach, as we had nearly 40 groups and individuals head out on the Beginner and Advanced Beginner courses.


The success of this event is inspiring us to try to have such beginner-friendly options at least once a year, if not more frequently.


Up next, our focus shifts to the Pacific Northwest Orienteering Festival, coming right up from June 21-30, with the June 27-30 events in or close to Missoula. These events are open to all, and we hope that as many Montana orienteers as possible can participate in one or more of the days! If you are unsure what to do, let us know! 


Thanks to our awesome director Emily Johnson for running everything calmly and professionally amidst the chaos. The courses were designed and set by Boris Granovskiy. Thank you to Siri Christopherson for helping put out controls. Thank you to our beginner instructors: Allison Brown, Chris Caldwell, Siri Christopherson, Garth Flint. Boris Granovskiy, Loy Koch, Miranda Marks, and Calvin Olson. And thanks to the folks who picked up controls: Allison Brown, Chris Caldwell, Siri Christopherson, Boris Granovskiy, Loy Koch, and Calvin Olson. 






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